Friday, May 12, 2017

Keith Olbermann With Treasonous Message for Democrats

In a town, Alexandria, Virginia, made up of 75% Democrats, how many feel the same way?

In any case, calling for the overthrow of the U.S. Government is treasonous.

Trump’s firing of FBI director James Comey certainly raises a lot of questions. However, the two salient facts here remain: The Trump-Russia investigation isn’t going away, and not even the FBI disagrees that it was within the Trump’s power to fire a man who serves at the pleasure of the president. In fact, by firing Comey so abruptly, Trump may have breathed new life into the investigation. One of the golden rules of Washington still applies here: Never assume malevolence when incompetence will suffice as an explanation.

Nonetheless, there is an emerging strain of thought in the fever swamps of the left that not running around with your hair on fire at right now is the hallmark of a collaborator. To that end, I present Keith Olbermann’s latest rant, in which the former MSNBC host calls on foreign intelligence agencies—including, incredibly, the Russian GRU—to help overthrow the U.S. government. Ostensibly, this is to save us from “a coup” presently under way by “the greatest threat to the freedoms of this nation that this nation has ever faced, the Trump administration, the Trump junta.” Even for Olbermann, this is pretty Olbermann:

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